Various projects our office has had an opportunity to work on include...
Encinal Bluffs, Malibu
Successful defense in Los Angeles Superior Court against California Coastal Commission prosecution for alleged Coastal Act and Coastal Development Permit violations involving unlawful development, failure to build public accessways, civil penalties and exemplary damages.
Visitor Serving Resort, Mendocino County
After years of local opposition a Coastal Development Permit for the proposed 20,000+ square foot Newport Ranch Inn, four miles south of the town of Wesport, north of the City of Fort Bragg, along the beautiful County of Mendocino coastline. The Coastal Permit was only issued after the successful resolution of litigation challenging the Commission’s earlier denial of the project.
Carbon Beach, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit and successful opposition to permit revocation proceedings before Coastal Commission and City of Malibu for beach front residence on Carbon Beach, Malibu. Subsequent successful defense of lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court alleging building permit issued in error and violation of stringline determination.
Ocean Bluff, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit for celebrity ocean bluff front residence and appurtenant structures in Malibu. Successful resolution of litigation prosecuted by City of Malibu in the Los Angeles Superior Court alleging failure to build in conformance with approved permits and plans.
Encinal Bluffs, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit for celebrity ocean front compound consisting of numerous ocean bluff front residences, bluff stabilization and repair, elevator from bluff top residence to beach front cabana on Encinal Beach, Malibu. Successful resolution of litigation prosecuted by Coastal Commission seeking removal of cabana allegedly build in violation of Coastal Act.
Escondido Beach, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit and variance from City of Malibu stringline standards for ocean front residence on Escondito Beach, Malibu. Successful defense of litigation in the Los Angeles Superior Court and Second District Court of Appeal alleging violations of stringline.
Broad Beach, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit for subdivision and construction of 36 condominium units in Broadbeach area of Western Malibu. Successful defense of lawsuit brought by homeowners association in the Los Angeles Superior Court and Second District Court of Appeal alleging expiration of County approved Tentative Tract Map.
Paradise Cove, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit for outdoor seating and renovation of the Paradise Cove Beach Cafe, Malibu.
San Clemente
Coastal Development Permit for subdivision and construction of 24 ocean bluff front condominium units in San Clemente.
Latigo Beach, Malibu
Coastal Development Permits for two ocean front residences on Latigo Beach, Malibu. Successful defense of litigation in the Los Angeles Superior Court prosecuted by the Sierra Club alleging height violations of the Coastal Act and previously issued Coastal Development Permits.
Point Dume, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit for ocean bluff front residence, appurtenant structures and pathway to beach in Point Dume, Malibu.
Pacific Palisades
Coastal Development Permit for parking lot, front deck, rear deck and rear building for Gladestones Restaurant in Pacific Palisades.
Broad Beach, Malibu
Coastal Development Permit for private gated road and lot line adjustment for 5 ocean front lots on Broadbeach, Malibu.
Sea Level Drive, Malibu
Coastal Development Permits for two ocean front residences on Sea Level Drive, Malibu.
Oxnard Shores
Coastal Development Permit for subdivision of 14 single family lots on 10 acres of beach front property in Oxnard Shores. The Coastal Permit was only issued after receiving a judgment against the Coastal Commission in the Second District Court of Appeal in litigation challenging the Commission's denial of the original permit application.
San Clemente
Coastal Development Permit for 246 ocean bluff front lots in San Clemente. The Coastal Permit was only issued after receiving a judgment against the Coastal Commission in the Orange County Superior Court in litigation challenging the Commission's denial of the original permit application.
Corona Del Mar, Pacific Palisades
Coastal Development Permits for seven different properties, including four on the coastal bluff, on Corona Del Mar in Pacific Palisades.